
“MED – Rome Mediterranean Dialogues” is an independent and high-level initiative aimed at giving new momentum to cooperation between the two shores of the Mediterranean. The leaders involved, representing governments, international organizations and civil society, will gather in Rome to address shared challenges in the region and reshape a comprehensive dialogue structured around the conference’s 4 pillars: Shared Prosperity, Migration, Shared Security and Media, Culture & Society.

Shared Prosperity

Finding viable options to re-launch economic interactions and promote greater regional integration in the Mediterranean is the core of the Pillar. Specific attention will be given to the role that business leaders may play in fostering common prosperity. Central to the debate will be the challenge of how to match energy security objectives with sustainable development goals.

Securing Sustainable Development

Resilience and co-Development: Reshaping the Regional Framework for Growth

The Challenge: Renewing Energy

Security and Development, Twinned Challenges, Toward a Positive Agenda

Shared Security

In light of the threats posed by the increasing instability in the Mediterranean region, the discussion will focus on the strategies for fighting terrorism and promoting successful post-conflict transitions. The Pillar will also explore possible avenues to implement intelligence cooperation and engage local communities to counter violent extremism and organized crime.

Building a Regional Order

Preventing Radicalization: A Comprehensive Approach in Counter-Terrorism

The Challenge: Transforming Governments and Institutions

The Challenge: Stability in Libya


The current migration emergency is increasingly turning into a global humanitarian crisis. Under this Pillar, the discussion will focus on identifying safe and legal routes for asylum-seekers, addressing the related issues of providing social inclusion, protection and assistance, and efficiently combining counter trafficking policy with the protection of human rights.

Beyond the Humanitarian Crisis: Rethinking Migration Policies

Media, Culture & Society

The topic of primary interest will be the central contribution made by cultural dialogue in the relations between the two shores of the Mediterranean. The debate will assess the role that the media may play in overcoming misperceptions and the contribution of young people to developing responsible socio-economic engagement. Attention will be given to the crucial issue of preserving artistic heritage and rediscovering the Mediterranean’s common history.

The war of words, a Different Narrative for the MENA Region

Youth Forum – The Challenge: New Jobs for New Generations

Protecting and valuing the Cradle of World Culture